Friday, August 24, 2007


Welcome to the FNFT World Series blog.

As the FNFT World Series progresses, I, all hail the mighty Commissioner, will be offering commentary, guidance, second guessing, and ridicule of the goings on. You are all free to jump in and offer comments to my posts.

DISCLAIMER TO JOE AND MAX: This blog is for entertainment purposes only. Any information I post may not be held against me if it is incorrect. I intend to post things like projected starting pitchers, injury reports, and any other information I can find that I think might have some bearing on the Series. If one of your opponents' players gets injured and you're hoping he doesn't find out but he does through this blog - tough. If I tell you that Ted Lilly is pitching on Friday night but he doesn't - that's tough too.

In some regards, you can think of me as the media. You can only trust half of what I say. I am pompous, arrogant, and think I know way more than you. In another regard though, unlike the media, I do not have an agenda of favoritism. I promise that I will not purposefully attempt to deceive either one of you and will attempt to offer advice in as balanced a manner as I know how.

Now let me get these fingers untwisted from behind my back so we can get down to business.

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