Sunday, May 23, 2010


I know that almost none of you follow IndyCar racing, but the Queen B has finally pissed me off to the point that I must dethrone her as official mascot of FNFT.  Yesterday she qualified 23rd for the Indy 500 and after the run completely threw her team under the bus in an interview.  "This is the worst car I've ever had.  The GoDaddy car deserves to be higher up than this. It's better than this. It's just not set up right."  The interview was broascast over the PA and on the big screens at Indy and she was hardily booed by the crowd.  We don't need that.

Besides, there will be at least two other other women in the race and one of them, Simona de Silvestro, isn't a bad piece of tail anyway.  I digress.

As most of you know, I make an annual journey to the land of speed and this year is no different.  Technology will one day allow me to whip out my laptop in the morning in Lot 4 where we camp and make FNFT updates like I'm not even gone, but I'm not sure we're quite to that point yet.  I will do my best to do what I can, but the worst case scenario is that website updates will be non-existent Thursday through Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't be a player hater just because she's got a bigger pair than you do.