Sunday, September 07, 2014

A Note About Suspended Games

On the website after the Friday night part of Game 2 of the World Series, I posted that some players from both teams would still get points from the completion of a suspended game between the Pirates and the Cubs.  In the end, those players did not get those point.  They didn't for three reasons:

  1. It didn't matter.
  2. I've never used stats from completions of suspended games on any other day.
  3. It would have been a pain in the ass to do so.

As most of you know, our stats service Onroto publishes the daily stats to their website around 6:00 a.m. each morning. These stats exactly match those that you would see in the boxscores on Saturday morning if you looked. What you may not know is that after Onroto publishes the stats, any number of corrections to the stats may be made the the leagues offices.  Onroto publishes these changes in "corrections" files that are posted on the website too. Typically they are minor things that have no bearing on FNFT.  (e.g. changing a passed ball to a wild pitch - that sort of thing).  But sometimes they are things that would affect FNFT.  Here is the corrections file from 9/4:

09.01 batters 1744 Miguel Cabrera Det game 1 H from 4 to 3
09.01 batters 1744 Miguel Cabrera Det game 1 Safe_error from 0 to 1
09.01 batters 5986 Mike Aviles Cle game 1 E from 0 to 1
09.01 pitchers 2429 Corey Kluber Cle game 1 H from 7 to 6
09.01 pitchers 2429 Corey Kluber Cle game 1 ER from 5 to 2
09.01 pitchers 2429 Corey Kluber Cle game 1 Safe_error from 0 to 1
09.03 batters 3123 Gregor Blanco SF game 1 E from 1 to 0

As you can see, the official scorer changed a play on 9/1 (three days ago) on which Miguel Cabrera had originally been credit with a hit to a safe on error. This change affected Corey Kluber's stats and the fielder's stats.  9/1 wasn't an FNFT day, but if it was, to go back and change this in the FNFT records would be an incredible pain.

So, what I have always done - and will continue to do - is use the daily stats that Onroto publishes as "official" for FNFT purposes.

What does this have to do with suspended games?  Well, what Onroto did on Saturday morning is published the stats from the part of the Pirates-Cubs game that had been played. On Sunday morning, they published the rest of the stats for the game in one of these corrections files.  To use that, I would have had to go in and manually edit each player involved.  For a World Series game that wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but for a regular season game it would have.  Plus, I don't really keep track of all of the Major League suspended games.  Most of them slip past me without my knowing.  So, when a game is suspended, you will only get the portion of the game that was played and not the completion part of it.  I will amend the rules to reflect this change.

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