Sunday, September 09, 2007


Wednesday it was Rick Ankiel; then Friday it was Troy Glaus; then Sunday it was Jay Gibbons. Every other day - one by one by one by one. Just how much milk is Sports Illustrated going to squeeze out of this cash cow? I can just see the dumbfounded look on Bud Selig's face as SI has accomplished and is profiting from what he hired George Mitchell three years ago to do; while Mitchell hasn't come up with so much as a single shred of evidence. Proof once again of the power of capitalism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bud called me and said that you dont know what you're talking about. I mailed him our latest FNFT rant alongwith the Onion Sports page with the headline "Destruction of National Pasttime gets a 2 Minute Standing Ovation" with an article and a picture of Bonds raises his hands triumphantly after hitting # 756. xking out.

Anyway, Bud said the either I should call hin or he will call me after the Mitchell report comes out, supposedly before the end of the year. He said that it will prove once and for all that there was no coverup and all will be revealed, which sounds contradictory. But if you know Bud, it makes perfect sense to him. Its all revisionist history.

Correction, he sold the Brewers for a mere 20 times, not 220, more than what he bought them for. And he does believe that every stadium should have Questtec. On this point, he agrees with me and apparently Chipper Jones.